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BizzSecure Launches EAID Solution

For Immediate Release Contact: Robert Beanland Phone: 833.249.9732 Email: robert.beanland@bizzsecure.com BizzSecure Launches EAID Solution Enterprise Assessment and InfoSec Design (EAID) for Compliance and Information Security Today, BizzSecure announced the availability of their EAID solution for information security (InfoSec) peace of mind. EAID is the first solution to include a platform of tools and a team of experts to design security infrastructure based on various compliance requirements. EAID also allows a company to quickly and easily assess an existing InfoSec infrastructure based on compliance requirements. For CTOs and CISOs, visibility into their...

BizzSecure Announces New Automation for Security and Compliance Assessments

For Immediate Release Contact: Robert Beanland Phone: 833.249.9732 Email: robert.beanland@bizzsecure.com Easy Migration from Manual to Automated Security and Compliance Assessments BizzSecure to Unveil at SecureWorld Bay Area CA Conference Today, BizzSecure announced the availability of proven new technology which simplifies the process of moving from manual assessment methods to an automated workflow with instant visibility of risk and compliance completeness. This technology is built into the out-of-the-box EAID (Enterprise Assessment and InfoSec Design) solution for information security (InfoSec) peace of mind. BizzSecure will be showcasing this new technology and...

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Vendor Risk ManagementPhysical Security Risk ManagementNetwork Security Risk ManagementApplication Security Risk ManagementBusiness Continuity Risk ManagementInternal Audit ManagementInformation Security and Compliance Risk Management SolutionsDesign Information Security PolicyCybersecurity Risk ManagementVirtual CISO Services & InfoSec TeamVulnerability Management and Security Penetration TestingManaged Network and Security ServicesNetwork and Information High AvailabilityEAID SolutionFree Basic Assessment (Non-Profit and Great Cause companies)