Top FAQs on Cyber Security

Top FAQs on Cyber Security

Sounds like an oxymoron, right?

What’s there to ask about cybersecurity? It’s just the simple act of safeguarding your cyber-assets from hackers, right?

Well, turns out there’s more to the concept of cybersecurity than meets the eye at first glance. While it is no doubt true that cybersecurity involves the use of technological barriers to protect your digital assets, holistic security principles take the concept further than that.

In a world where almost every facet of human existence has been touched by digital disruption, the cyber world is becoming increasingly enmeshed with the real one. Immersive technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality are slowly blurring the lines between the physical and digital.

In such a complex landscape, cybersecurity professionals have to deal with more questions than they can answer. To ease this burden, here are the top FAQs about cybersecurity.

What is the Weakest Link in the Cybersecurity Chain?

This is a very important question, though many of us won’t like the answer.

Humans are undeniably the most vulnerable portion of the cybersecurity armor; we are, at our core, emotional beings who operate more from the heart than the mind, and cybercriminals take advantage of this fact to lure us into revealing sensitive information that can compromise the security and integrity of our digital assets.

To err is human, and we make mistakes as a matter of habit; these slips can cost us dearly when it comes to ensuring the safety of our digital infrastructure. Human error still counts as the single biggest source of security infractions such as malware installs and phishing scams.

What Is Cyber Hygiene?

We maintain personal and environmental cleanliness to protect ourselves from diseases; similarly, cyber-hygiene involves the maintenance of proper digital habits that can protect us from the dangers that are rampant in cyber-space.

Cyber-hygiene can mean the maintenance of well-rounded and properly defined password policies, securing our online activity by using VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) and not intermingling personal and office data on the same system.

Simple practices such as these can contribute immensely towards maintaining digital cleanliness. However, it should be remembered that cyber-hygiene is not limited to only the above practices, and can comprise of more intricate steps.

For a complete assessment of the risks that may be inherent in your IT infrastructure and the development of well-rounded hygiene policies , it’s best to employ the services of professionals who are adept in these matters.

What Is The Cost Of A Cybersecurity Lapse?

To be frank, the true cost of a cybersecurity lapse cannot be measured in terms of money alone. While financial losses are a real after-effect of cyber-attacks, the real losses can go deeper than that.

Loss of credibility, brand value, and a shrinking customer base are just some of the losses that an organization might have to face in the aftermath of a cybersecurity lapse. Therefore it’s best to be ever-vigilant; remember, better safe than sorry!

We hope the above answers can go a long way towards answering your questions about cybersecurity.